
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Soil Physics Resources


                                               Important Soil Physics Papers

Through the below listed papers, students of Soil Physics discipline will understand about the basics Soil Physical Properties and their measurement techniques.

  1. Use of SI units in soil physics
  2. Biochar and soil physical properties 
  3. No-tillage and soil physical environment
  4. Tillage and drainage impact on soil quality I. Aggregate stability, carbon and nitrogen pools
  5. Tillage and drainage impact on soil quality: II. Tensile strength of aggregates, moisture retention and water infiltration
  6. A Rapid Test for Plant-Available Water-Holding Capacity in Soil-Biochar
  7. Carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange at the soil-atmosphere boundary as affected by various mulch materials
  8. Soil Physical Quality Indicators and Plant Growth
  9. Soil Physics-Online Book

                                           Important Soil Physics Books
                                       (* click on ISBN to view the book)
  1. Soil Physics by William A. Jury, Robert Horton [ISBN 13: 9788126539888]
  2. Fundamental of Soil Physics, Daniel Hillel [13: 9780123485601]
  3. Principles of Soil Physics by Ratan Lal and Manoj. K. Shukla [ISBN 13: 9780824753245]
  4. Soil Physics: An Introduction by Manoj K. Shukla [ISBN 13: 9781439888421]
  5. Soil Physics Companion by A.W. Warrich [ISBN 13: 9780367396435 ]
  6. Soil Physics with Hydrus by David E. Radcliffe and Jiri Simunek [ISBN:13: 9781420073805]
  7. Soil Physics with Pyhton by Macro Bittelli, Gaylon S. Cambell, Fausto Tomei [ISBN 13: 9780199683093]
  8. An introduction to Soil Physical Properties and Processes, by Rain or shine
  9. Exercise in Soil Physics: Naftali Lazarovitch & Arthur W. Warrick (Editors)
  10. Soil Physics Lecture Notes by Kurt Roth
  11. Fundamentals of Soil Physics: by Daniel Hillel
  12. Soil Science: Concepts and Applications-UAF

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                                         Soil Physics Awards

 Soil Physics Video Lessons

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